When enable version control your project, IntelliJ IDEA automatically moves workspace.xml file your personal settings the .gitignore list avoid conflicts other developers' settings. . IntelliJ IDEA provides ways sharing settings different IDE instances. more information, .
I started new project my team. are Intellij + Java + git developing software. problem have that made .gitignore file git auto-generated gitignore.io.The file ignores workspace.xml the Project.iml files my Project, is good, they merging conflicts later. thing when push project bitbucket.org my .
workspace.xml ; usage.statistics.xml; shelf directory; the .iml module files (can located different module directories) -> applies IntelliJ IDEA; Note starting version 2019.1, IntelliJ capable adding that sharing Version Control automatically. Items need be cautious about:
Please sure you put ".idea/workspace.xml" the .gitignore file cover your ".idea" directories. other word: ".idea/workspace.xml" files be child one parent directory contain .gitignore. you create .gitignore most top-level directory the project.
A workspace not invasive terms project settings. IntelliJ IDEA stores project settings, as code style, SDK, etc., a separate file a project-specific folder (.idea). we add project a workspace, IntelliJ IDEA copies settings the workspace folder, then can change locally.
This gradle task builds web service stubs needed Build project. without ".idea/workspace.xml" checked in, means you won't this important change your Build project fail manually making change. often workspace.xml dirtied normal development?
By default, option disabled, IntelliJ IDEA stores run configuration settings .idea/workspace.xml. Required options. Item. Description. JRE. the runtime environment IntelliJ IDEA use run application. default, IntelliJ IDEA the latest JDK the module dependencies. . IntelliJ IDEA .
workspace.xml - file serves a central repository user-specific project-level configurations, example, change list information, run configurations, updated run configuration templates, Maven settings, breakpoints, more; modules.xml - this file, IntelliJ IDEA stores locations .iml files each module
The .idea folder a Git repository used JetBrains IDEs (like IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm) store project-specific settings. . workspace.xml, tasks.xml) be ignored, they .
We see complete process adding environment variable a project IntelliJ below: the process, added environment variable testUser baeldung a project IntelliJ making in run configuration. 3.2. the workspace.xml
idea中调出services窗口,调整workspacexml文件_idea workspacexml-CSDN博客