What is .idea/workspace.xml? Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. Modified 5 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 11k times 6 . had heard this file I randomly checked git status an repository there was, file had edited nor seen before. do know it there.
When enable version control your project, IntelliJ IDEA automatically moves workspace.xml file your personal settings the .gitignore list avoid conflicts other developers' settings. Configuration files processed to choice. you modify project settings, a configuration file created .
Yet, reference the directory contained workspace.xml, should be shared, everyone to set up manually, share dictionaries\user.xml; Database connections: mysql database inside Vagrant instance, can accessed SSH localhost a private key file, is stored the .
Please sure you put ".idea/workspace.xml" the .gitignore file cover your ".idea" directories. other word: ".idea/workspace.xml" files be child one parent directory contain .gitignore. you create .gitignore most top-level directory the project.
workspace.xml - file serves a central repository user-specific project-level configurations, example, change list information, run configurations, updated run configuration templates, Maven settings, breakpoints, more; modules.xml - this file, IntelliJ IDEA stores locations .iml files each module
This gradle task builds web service stubs needed Build project. without ".idea/workspace.xml" checked in, means you won't this important change your Build project fail manually making change. often workspace.xml dirtied normal development?
The workspace.xml file your workspace preferences including Run/debug configurations. xml file responsible its set settings, can recognized its name: projectCodeStyle.xml, encodings.xml, vcs.xml so on.
When enable version control your project, CLion automatically moves workspace.xml file your personal settings the .gitignore list avoid conflicts other developers' settings. Configuration files processed to choice. you modify project settings, a configuration file created, .
workspace.xml: Holds workspace layout window arrangement settings tailored your preferences, providing personalized working environment. modules.xml: Stores details project modules, dependencies, specific configurations each module your project.
In .gitignore, have .idea/workspace.xml - obviously, .idea in working folder too. have $ git rm --cached .idea/workspace.xml this remove file Git vc. However, seems work - workspace.xml popping the default list is not ignored.
Working with Workspaces in Premiere Pro — Premiere Bro