Use terraform workspace list, terraform workspace new, terraform workspace delete commands manage available workspaces in current working directory. the terraform workspace select command change currently selected workspace. a working directory, can select workspace a time.
Each Terraform configuration an backend defines Terraform executes operations where Terraform stores persistent data, state. persistent data stored the backend belongs a workspace. backend initially only workspace one Terraform state with configuration.
Terraform workspaces enable to manage multiple deployments the configuration. we create cloud resources the Terraform configuration language, resources created the default workspace. is very handy tool lets test configurations giving flexibility resource allocation, regional deployments .
To this workspaces, first create workspace called dev the terraform workspace command: $ terraform workspace dev Created switched workspace "dev"! You're on new, empty workspace. Workspaces isolate state, if run "terraform plan" Terraform not any existing state this configuration.
This topic an overview the workspaces resource HCP Terraform Terraform Enterprise. workspace a group infrastructure resources managed Terraform. Introduction. Working Terraform involves managing collections infrastructure resources, most organizations manage different collections.
Add optional description the workspace. description appears the top the workspace in HCP Terraform UI. Click Create workspace finish. CLI API-driven workflow, system opens new workspace overview. version control workspaces, Configure Terraform variables page appears.
What Terraform Workspace? we the local backend storing Terraform state, Terraform creates file called terraform.tfstate store state the applied configuration. However, .
HCP Terraform workspace variables you customize configurations, modify Terraform's behavior, setup dynamic provider credentials, store information static provider credentials. can set variables specifically each workspace you create variable sets reuse same variables multiple workspaces.
What Terraform Workspace? Terraform workspace you create multiple, separate environments versions your infrastructure the Terraform configuration. separate state file each the environments (i.e., workspaces) helps manage multiple instances your infrastructure interfering each other.
Creating workspaces in Terraform Cloud easy, difficult bit really defining really go the workspaces the ownership. you deep the monolith, .
How to select workspaces in Terraform cloud?