Shamir WorkSpace - perfect solution the ever-evolving modern workplace. Offering greater depth field, to 3m (10ft.), lens design . is perfect a pair progressives as upgrade reading glasses. advantage: Optimal visual experience
No line readers eliminate need switch glasses. Choose premium progressives 40% viewing area! Enable Accessibility. Free Standard Shipping: Order $65+ Terms. . Near-range Workspace Progressives. Lens pricing starts $37.95. Designed optimal comfort clarity tasks 3 feet, perfect for: Prolonged reading;
It perfect a pair progressives as upgrade reading glasses. advantage: Optimal visual experience . can lead eye strain, vision problems, discomfort. Shamir WorkSpace™ advanced lenses provide optimal visual ergonomic experience mid-distance near viewing office environments.
Unity ® OfficePro Lenses designed address daily demands the workplace, meeting needs your eyes at work. lenses dedicated your and intermediate-distance vision, task-oriented lenses improve visual performance, combat digital eye strain, alleviate ergonomic discomfort the office.
Shamir WorkSpace™ the lens focus needed both mid-distance near viewing. WorkSpace lens offers greater field depth up 10 feet visual clarity. working near tasks also interacting people objects fall your daily tasks, the WorkSpace lens the ideal Solution. advanced highly sophisticated Freeform® lens design .
Shamir Computer Workspace lenses designed combat computer vision syndrome provide optimal vision various tasks the workplace. offer greater depth field, natural posture, versatile vision close, medium, far distances.
Shamir WorkSpace Lens Excellent visual clarity close-up tasks an optimal depth field to 10 t. Sharp Focus Dynamic Workers! Shamir WorkSpace™ Shamir Computer™ lens the lens focus needed both mid-distance near viewing. Working near tasks interacting people objects? .
Below, list top 5 reasons you make office progressives second pair glasses: 1. Enjoy clearer computer vision. lenses Essilor, world's leading manufacturer opthalmic lenses, built work your computer, tablet, smartphone. keep field in front you firmly focus, .
This precisely computer glasses the perfect answer. visual zones precisely tailored the movements your eyes you working. can be individualized meet own personal requirements. glasses offer very large field vision close intermediate distances (between 2 12 feet).
Shamir WorkSpace™ the solution priority focus both mid-distance near viewing. Offering greater depth field, to 10ft., advanced highly sophisticated Freeform ® lens design, movement the workspace sharp vision the required focus on desk a colleague the room.
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